Saturday, October 20, 2012

Benefits of Voice Conferencing Solutions for Business Communication

Voice Conferencing Solutions increase business productivity and communications while remarkably reducing conferencing costs and providing an array of other significant benefits. Combining your company’s voice and data solutions makes it easier than ever to stay in touch and share information. Employees are easier to contact and customers and prospective clients are efficiently routed exactly where they need to be directed.

Among the numerous benefits provided by voice conferencing services four real standouts include reduced costs, flexibility, general ease of use, and security.
  • Reduced Costs – Voice conferencing services offer immediate savings in the form of minimized travel. Minimizing travel not only provides savings in airfare, hotels, and rental cars, but also cuts down on ever so costly downtime while you are actually traveling. Less travel means less downtime and greater productivity and efficiency. With voice conferencing solutions there’s more room for collaboration, which only leads to a higher work rate.

  • Flexibility – With a wide range of voice conferencing solutions currently available, finding the perfectly designed service for your business couldn’t be easier. Voice conferencing solutions allow for simple system management making it easy to add, change, and delete user accounts along with setting specific privileges, monitoring service status and resources, and generating system reports demanding minimal effort and time from administrators.

  • Ease of Use – Integration of popular email clients such as Lotus Notes® and Microsoft Outlook® offer a singular point of entry for establishing user accounts and quickly outlining conference call specifics. All necessary and relevant information can be sent automatically to users invited to the conference and upon initiating the meeting, the leader has total control through a web interface or telephone keypad. In certain voice conferencing solutions, settings allow for users to “raise their hand” when they would like to ask a question making certain that back and forth communication is never an issue. Voice conferencing services also offer polling and voting utilities to offer the availability of quick decision making to further increase productivity.

  • Security – Voice Conferencing Solutions offer security through the requirement of individual participant PINs, conference IDs, and protected passwords. Leaders are able to hear a roll call of users at any time and are able to “close the doors” to conferences to prevent other participants from connecting. Working hand in hand with VoIP services in place, voice conferencing solutions make use of firewalls and VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) to ensure that any shared data stay within the business in the eyes of those that are meant to see.

Voice Conferencing Solutions provide an ideal advantage for your business or organization saving money and increasing productivity all with the security you demand. For information on more specific services contact a Conference Shopper representative today!
Image Source: Danilo Rizzuti, twobee /